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For most today, it’s back to school for the final few weeks before the Christmas break. For anyone in year 10 or above, unfortunately this means those dreaded January mock exams are just around the corner.

Although your mock exams are ‘just’ practice, they are extremely important. They will ultimately determine the predicted grade that you will be given to prove your potential in college/ UCAS applications.

Mock exams also help to identify any areas/ topics that you need to work on ahead of the real thing. Fortunately, there are 10 weeks between now and mock exam season. 10 weeks worth of self-paced and directed learning could be the difference between higher predicted grades come January.

The benefits of private tuition, especially ahead of important assessments:

- one to one attention in every lesson - bespoke content delivery to focus on areas of weakness - improve revision and learning tactics for maximum success - solidify exam technique to achieve maximum marks - increase in confidence and self-esteem

Whether you are a student or a parent, now is the time to start thinking about mock exams. I have a few weekday evening slots remaining for A-level biology or GCSE science (biology/ chemistry/ physics). Please get in touch via Facebook message directly, email ( or visit my website


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