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To all upcoming year 12’s: Congratulations on completing your GCSEs and bidding farewell to high school! Now that exams are behind you, it's the perfect time to take a breather and celebrate your achievements. But guess what? There's still more greatness ahead! As you gear up to dive into A-Level Biology in September, let's talk about how you can make the most of your summer break and get a head start on your new journey.

If you're reading this, then it's likely that you'll be starting your A-level biology course in September. I may be biased but let me tell you, it's going to be an exciting year! Biology is a fascinating subject that opens doors to understanding life's mysteries, from tiny cells to entire ecosystems. But no need to feel overwhelmed. With the right mindset and preparation, you're all set to make the most out of the next 2 years!

Ever heard the saying, "The early bird catches the worm"? Well, it's time to embrace that philosophy! Being proactive during the summer break will set you up for success when you start your A-Level Biology journey. Rather than putting off learning until the last minute, consider some light revision and preparation throughout August. Now, I’m not asking you to sit for hours revising and learning the whole spec, but even a couple of hours a week could really set you up for success! Not only will you understand and retain the information better, but you'll also avoid the dreaded exam cramming when it comes to those January mock exams (they creep up sooner than you think!). So, just consider swapping a few hours of scrolling for some active A-level prep – I promise it’s not as bad as it sounds!

Now, let me introduce myself – I'm Katie and here to guide you through the exciting world of A-Level Biology. My detailed revision resources are designed to provide a simple guide to all things A-level, making complex concepts easier to grasp. I will be holding weekly webinars where we cover specific topics from the A-level spec, as well as group tuition classes, too.

Get in touch if you’d like to know more – fill in the request form on the homepage of my website, or email me directly at


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